Welcome Back to UDance 2025!
Welcome Back, Blue Hens! We are so excited to be back on campus and start off this year strong. We hope you had a great summer and are looking forward to all things UDance this year! With a new year, new goals, and new team, we cannot wait to see the difference we will make in the fight against childhood cancer, thanks to the help of all of you!
With a brand new year starting, you might be thinking, “What are some ways I can start my fundraising strong?” Luckily, we’ve got lots of tips and tricks to make sure the whole community is ready to hit the road to raising $2 million this year!
Haven’t made a fundraising page yet? Click here to start fundraising now!
Tip #1: Go Canning!
Canning is such a great way to start off fundraising for UDance 2025! With so many locations available to reserve, you can introduce UDance to so many new people and easily fundraise for your page! Grab a can, a sign, and check out the canning permit request form to get started and head on out!
Tip #2: Follow up on Emails!
Sometimes when fundraising, it can be a bit discouraging when we don’t hear back from an email we sent to family, friends, past teachers, or any potential donors! However, one of the most successful ways to fundraise over email is following up a few days, or maybe even a week later! This could remind your potential donor of your email, and be a super useful way to fundraise! If you would like ideas of how to reach out to potential donors, check out the templates we have available for you on our website!
Tip #3: Send a Blue Henvelope!
An awesome way to start fundraising is sending a Blue Henvelope! Through mailing one of these letters to family, friends, doctors, dentists, teachers, or anyone you could think of, you can start making strides towards reaching your fundraising goal. The average donation from a Blue Henvelope is $67. Imagine all you can do through filling out this easy form! Check out more information right here.
Tip #4: Get a Corporate Sponsorship!
One of the best ways to fundraise is through corporate sponsorships. UDance has a great initiative called Cool Corporate Connections (CCC), which allows all students to use their own connections to get event sponsors. These companies could be ones you have interned for, know of through family or friends, or anyone who you think could be interested in sponsoring UDance and our efforts! The best part about CCC - all the donations from your connection will be allocated to your fundraising page! Such an easy way to get such a great head start on fundraising!
Tip #5 (Our Favorite): Lead with your Why
Our B+ Heroes at UDance 2024💛
UDance is such a special organization because we are a community of college kids working together to help families and kids in need. Many of us have a special connection to this organization. Whether it is for our B+ Heroes, a personal experience, a family experience, or just because you want to make a difference, we all have a reason why we take part in the fight against childhood cancer. If we lead with our why, and explain to potential donors why we are here, they might have more of a connection to this organization. Also, it ensures that we are spreading awareness about UDance and the Andrew McDonough B+ Foundation’s mission.
We hope these tips help you start off your UDance 2025 Fundraising strong! This is going to be the best year yet. Let’s get started!