On the Road to $2 Million: September Recap
START. YOUR. ENGINES. UDance is on the Road to $2 Million!
This year, UDance Dance Marathon is striving to raise $2 Million for the fight against childhood cancer. To do so, we knew we could not wait around until the Spring. We had to rev our engines, push harder than we ever have, and move the starting line up to September. Last month, our community came together in such inspiring ways that are going to make such a difference for the fight against childhood cancer. We are off to a great start this year, and our foot is still on the gas because the Road to $2 Million has officially begun!!
With this goal in mind, we knew the best way to begin was to lead with our why. UDance held our annual Week of Why during the week of September 16th. Through remembering past UDance years, to celebrating with the Week of Why Fair, honoring our B+ Heroes, and spreading the mission of UDance across the campus, the Week of Why allowed our community to come together and think deeply about the reasons we dance and the reasons we fight for a cure. We also celebrated our why’s with a very special event - Why Wednesday. At this event, our executive board, committees, team/chapter/RSO reps, B+ Heroes, and their families, came together to celebrate our why’s. We wrote down why we dance on lanterns, lit lanterns in honor of our B+ Angels, and came together in such a beautiful and special way. The leaders of this mission across our campus were able to realize that we are all in this together, and we are all here for a reason. After this incredibly inspiring week, we knew our campus was ready to hit the Road to $2 million.
Inspired, motivated, and determined to reach our goal, the UDance community came together to raise over $46,000 within five hours at our annual Reps Raceway event as a part of our week-long Road to $2 Million Campaign. Representatives from nearly every Greek Life chapter, Athletics team, and RSO at UD were stuck in the “Reps Raceway” until they reached their fundraising goal. In such a short amount of time, we were amazed by the energy every organization brought to this event. We were incredibly proud of the UDance Exec RSO Team for organizing this incredible event, which broke records and inspired so much of our campus to get involved and make a difference for the kids.
To say that this week was a success would be an understatement. The Road to $2 Million Campaign raised $95,110.20 IN JUST ONE WEEK!! This incredible week shows how strong this community can be when we focus on our why, work together, and believe that we can reach this goal. This is only the start. If we can raise $46k in five hours, $95k in one week, our community can do anything. We are strongest together, and cannot wait to see what else we will do this year for the kids.
The Road to $2 Million has just begun! Make sure you keep pushing fundraising, sending emails with our templates, creating fun incentives, and spreading the B+ message to Live Like Andrew. We have a long road ahead, but we have the right crew to do it. Let’s keep it going!