B+ Hero Spotlight: B+ Hero Kate and Alpha Epsilon Phi

For the past couple of years, B+ Hero Kate has been paired with Alpha Epsilon Phi, which has not only given them some of the best experiences of their lives, but also filled each member with so much inspiration and motivation.

Although they’ve created so many memories together, the sisters of Alpha Epsilon Phi especially cherish the simple moments with B+ Hero Kate, such as hanging out on a Saturday or attending her brother’s hockey practices. Listening to their hero speak of her hopes, passions, and interests has sparked something within each member to become the best version of themselves, just as they believe B+ Hero Kate is the best version of herself. They feel lucky to have watched her grow into the funny, outgoing, and kindhearted person she is today, and they look forward to standing by her as she continues to empower and encourage everyone around her.


When asked to describe B+ Hero Kate, the sisters of Alpha Epsilon Phi share similar stories detailing her maturity and grace. When she was brought on a canning trip with a few of the members, she impressed them with how well-spoken she was when speaking to complete strangers about her personal story with childhood cancer. Her strength is inspiring, and her outlook on life reminds those around her to remain positive and keep fighting through any situation. Although she is young, she’s wise beyond her years and impacts each person that she speaks with, even if it’s only for a short period of time.

Her positive outlook extends to each aspect of her life, as shown through her passions and genuine happiness when surrounded by those that she loves. She enjoys a variety of hobbies such as reading Harry Potter books, playing GamePigeon games, and making TikToks. As much fun as she has with these activities, the moments she spends enjoying them with others mean so much more to her. B+ Hero Kate is not only intelligent, but also outgoing, fun-loving, and an amazing person to spend time with. Each sister feels so thankful to have the experiences they have with her, and feel confident that this is a friendship that will last a lifetime.

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Along with attending as many UDance events as possible with B+ Hero Kate, the girls have taken her apple picking, held slime making parties, decorated cupcakes, had sleepovers, and so much more. They will take on any opportunity to spend time with B+ Hero Kate, and they cherish the memories they’ve made together over the past couple of years. B+ Hero Kate is a true hero to the sisters of Alpha Epsilon Phi, as well as one of their best friends and biggest inspirations.

Between Zoom events, FaceTime calls, and looking forward to future UDance events, the bond between B+ Hero Kate and her sisters is something that can not be broken, despite any circumstances that arise. Although the semester has turned out differently than they’ve anticipated, all of the Alpha Epsilon Phi sisters will continue to make the most out of the circumstances when it comes to spending time with their B+ Hero, Kate, and they look forward to reuniting as soon as it is possible.


October Recap


B+ Hero Spotlight: B+ Hero Maci and Sigma Alpha